
Progecad 2020 professional
Progecad 2020 professional

progecad 2020 professional

More than 22.000 ready- to-use 2D/3D Blocks: Construction, Architectural, ANSI-ISO and DIN-ISO Mechanics, ANSI and IEC Electrical, Electronic, Steel Profiles, Furniture, Kitchen. The advanced iCADLib module for blocks management ensures the best organization and management of your Symbol Libraries.

progecad 2020 professional

Custom Folders preset Adding of your most frequently used folders to the open/save dialog. Property Panel Tree The new selection control to view selected entities in a tree list allowing Properties local editing ( highlighting/modifications based on the tree selection). Similar to the infinite line, the construction line is a line through a given point, oriented at a specified angle in the three-dimensional space and extending to infinity in both directions. Construction Line Command A construction line is a special type of the infinite line that is typically used when quick drafting techniques are required. STEP/IGES Options The setting of conversion modes for STEP/IGES files (Quick Monocrome, With Color, Import as Surfaces). progeCAD displays a baloon when an XREF (External Reference) linked to the active drawing is modified. Xref Notify The control of updated or missing xrefs. Print 3d Hidden with silhouette Creation of clean 3D prints on curved solid parts printing in Hidden Visual Style. The New Blocks Palette for inserting and editing of internal Blocks with Drag & Drop support. Block Editor (_BEDIT) The Block Editor offers a special authoring area to enable free drawing and editing of blocks geometry. Options and settings are accessible from shortcut menus. Toolpalettes for Blocks, Hatches and frequently used Commands Use the tool palettes to organize blocks, hatches, and custom tools in a tabbed window. Once the file is attached, you can explode it, snap to it, and use the RVTPANE command to open the Categories pane for visibility control. These file types contain building and construction data. Support for BIM file types Import/attach IFC and Autodesk Revit files as underlays (.rvt/.rfa,IFC) based on the ODA BIM component.

Progecad 2020 professional